Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Ponzi scheme in disguise

Invest in art collection with “Image Direct”, a Holland-based company, and earn 300% return on your investment within one year.
Have a share of unconverted agriculture land in United Kingdom and earn four times return on your investment, when the land is converted to commercial use.

Invest in land in Canada and USA that gives you a guaranteed return of 300% in three years.

You hear these statements from your so-called “investment adviser” friends or the “expert financial consultant” or read about them in the advertisements in newspapers or banners in shopping malls,

Recently, the UK land company that sold investment in land to “greedy” investors in Asian countries was declared bankrupt. The owner of UK Land who collected monies from gullible Asian investors with promises of high returns has disappeared.

A Canadian company operated the same business scheme as UK Land. Its office in Kuala Lumpur was raided by Bank Negara (Malaysia’s Central bank) for operating an illegal money deposit taking business.

These UK, Canadian and USA land investment companies are operating a Ponzi scheme in disguise.

Similarly, a few art and antiques collection “investment” companies are operating web-based Ponzi scheme with investment in Michaelangelo’s art collection. Each “investor” is given a replica copy of the art and a letter to signify their share in the art collection. This piece of paper issued over the internet has questionable legal effect. The replica copy of the “art collection” is no different from the RM20.00 (USD6.00) poster from the stationery outlet.

All these investment schemes are sold via the MLM concept. But there are no goods or ownership titles changing hands. For the investment in land, there is no land title or strata title given. Neither is there any deed of assignment given for your share or your right to the property. All that is given after you have parted your money is a piece of paper to signify that you have a share in the property. This is a worthless piece of paper.

More scams are expected to surface during this financial crisis. Be cautious and be wise with your hard-earned money. Don’t be greedy and gullible. Don’t trust you so-called “Financial Advisor” or ‘Investment Advisor” blindly. Money doesn’t fall from the sky. Only hard work can bring in money.