Saturday, September 22, 2012

From Health Food to Fast Food

The roller shutter is always down. 
Nobody inside the shop.

This is  an established and legitimate MLM company with 25 years track record. But four years ago, this company changed direction into franchised retailing. Since then, the ex-distributors/agents of the company opened many retail shops.

What signal is being sent to the direct sellers and end consumers on the MLM products? Does this means that MLM is not a viable business anymore? The real reason was not made know to the public.  Perhaps, the influence of the old saying is too strong to ignore –“The grass is greener on the other side” 

Do you remember when Unilever and Sara Lee moved into MLM business? And can you recall when Electrolux exited MLM business? 

All the other shop lots are opened.

This company  is renowned for its superior quality herbal food supplements, based on the philosophy of regeneration of the human body.  A Taiwanese immigrant started this business in the early 80s, with his laboratory and production facility in a garage in Utah, USA. The business was very successful and grew phenomenally during the first 25 years.

You can dine in or take away.
Lunch Saver Fast Food by Sunrider.
From Health Food to Fast Food.

When the company was in MLM business, fast food and junk food were barred from it's office premises. Staffs were prohibited from bringing in or eating fast food in the office. 

The scenario is completely different now. Some franchised retailers stick to the core business of the company.  Others deviated from the reputation of the health food business and moved into the “junk” food business. Some diversified into complementary business of beauty salon. 

And there are a few deserted “showrooms” to "swat houseflies (苍蝇)". Just wondering how the shop proprietor/franchisee  managed this. 

Worst of them are the shops with the roller shutter often down but with all the lights switched on, but nobody inside the  premises. This is like teaser, inviting peeping. 

There are more choices of food available here. Rice set and spaghetti or pasta.

This retail outlet is more of a fast food restaurant than a franchised retail shop. The fast food business looks pretty good, especially during the lunch hours.

All lights switch on
but nobody inside the shop

A few of the shops have the roller-shutter down very often. Probably the franchisees/proprietors are busy at other places or other businesses.

The neighbouring shops are opened for business but Sunrider's shop is always closed.
This is at Lot 10 Shopping Mall, Level 2 Bukit Bintang , Kuala Lumpur.